“Letter From Heaven by Goi Ywei Chern (music) and Yvonne Ugarte (words), performed by Anusha Merrin (soprano) and Chunmeng Ge (piano), was one of the most impressive songs of the event. A moment suspended in time, Merrin's high soprano managed to project an impressive number of words. A concentrated performance creating something intense and evocative.”
- Robert Hugill, Planet Hugill
Leeds Lieder Festival, 2024
“As the two disruptive characters, Anusha Bobby and Henry Strutt were brilliant, after all the two characters are gifts and the two singers gave sharply observed performances. Bobby's Mary was so sharp you could cut her. She brought real star power to the character's high-lying music, whilst flitting through the other characters with a wry sense of observation and disengagement that inevitably seduces Edmund but ultimately shocks him.”
- Robert Hugill, Opera Today
Mansfield Park - RNCM Opera, 2023
“Anusha Bobby brought a flash of coloratura glamour to the thoroughly modern Mary”
- Sarah Noble, Opera Magazine
Mansfield Park - RNCM Opera, 2023
“Young soprano Anusha Bobby, gorgeous as a rose in her scarlet frock, carried an air of sweet fragility that unfurled into full bloom when she sang: notes of velvety richness that almost scented the air. In O Sweetest Boy the soprano’s ecstatic love song with its shimmering top notes, we may assume that our lover’s courtship has been fruitful.”
- Julia Meredith, Guernsey Press
Guernsey Choral and Orchestral Society’s 75th Anniversary Concert, 2023
“Sung by soprano Rebecca von Lipinski (Marschallin), mezzo-soprano Carolina Krogius (Octavian, a trouser role) and soprano Anusha Bobby (Sophie) the trio certainly transmitted the tingle factor. Creditable too, Sophie and Octavian’s renowned young love duet was rendered with warmth and affection.”
- Michael Cookson, Seen and Heard International
RNCM 50th Anniversary Opera Gala, 2023